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Much More 8-9-17

This is not just a business 
It's a Ministry, too!
And when you come into full agreement 
your financial troubles will be through!

For I Myself
will for your needs provide!
If to my precious lambs,
you continually speak life!

For it's not just the body 
you are ministering to,
but the whole vessel,
for I've sent them to you!

Many hurting and struggling 
I have sent your way!
not in order to make a sale 
and then say, "Have a good day".

I need you to show them they are loved!
Heart, Mind, and Spirit too!
Take time to pray
don't just rush to get through

For truly, you are many's 
final hope
To see the truths of My Kingdom!
So please don't let them go!
without knowing My love!
For many who come in here 
would not a church building
even come near!

So I strategically placed you 
in this very spot!
and "disguised" you so that lost lambs
for other reasons, would stop

And enter a place
that I truly hold dear!
I just need you to understand fully
why I placed you here!

It's not to simply
minister now and then!
I need your #1 priority 
to be My lost and hurting lambs!

and then you will never 
ever have a need!
If you attend to your assignment
to feed my sheep

Today's Health & Nutrition

John 21:15-17 Jesus said "feed my lambs" 
Jesus said, " take care of my sheep"
Jesus said, " feed my sheep"




Prayer Group
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