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Bio Resonance: About
Answers to your stubborn weight, low energy, and constant pain are within reach!

You've spent way too much money on supplements that haven't fixed anything and wasted too much time looking for answers to your stubborn weight, nagging pain, and low energy.

All you really want is to stop having flair-ups that interrupt your life! Reduce the constant inflammation! Eliminate the annoying brain fog that makes doing tasks and holding conversations harder.
Get rid of this rollercoaster low energy, and stubborn weight that won't go away!

You’re tired of guessing: Am I deficient in something? Are there toxins in my body? Are my hormones balanced? Is there something my doctor isn't finding?

You feel like crap! You know you're getting old BUT you're NOT that old! You know your body shouldn't be going downhill like this.

You're constantly trying to figure out ... "Why am I so tired all the time, Why can't I sleep at night and where is all this inflammation coming from!?

You used to be energetic.. now you have to have several cups of caffeine just to get going in the morning. Not to mention the brain fog! How you get anything done is beyond you!  

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You are overwhelmed with all the products you are taking.

You don't even know if they're working or not. 

You are ready for a clear understanding of what's going on with your body and what specific supplements and natural things your body needs


You want answers.
And you're ready to take action!

Imagine being able to have the answers you're looking for in just a few days..

That means no more guessing about what your body needs, so now you can focus on doing what you love to do, like enjoying your family and growing your business. 

Heres What Clients are Saying

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Introducing the ...

Cellular Health Screening

The scientifically proven way to identify root causes, 

400% More info than a full blood panel

So what is a Cellular Health Screening?

This type of screening uses Bioresonance frequencies to scan every cell in your body and identify the root causes to your health concerns.

From this test, we will be able to see which organs and glands are stressed or weakened, what the root causes are, and what natural and holistic approaches need to be taken to bring these areas into balance.

How does it work?

With just a hair or nail sample from you, this machine is put to work scanning over 60,000 frequencies throughout every cell in your body with 97% accuracy no matter where you are in the world.

It's Not Voodoo, I promise! It's Quantum Physics!

No long office visits, and no long drive to and from appointments!

This is hands-down the most comprehensive health screening you will ever have, designed for those who are passionate about investing in their health, and their futures, and who want to be around a long time for their families..

You'll walk away with: 

  • A clear understanding of what is going on in your body, what the root causes are are what to do about them. 

  • A downloadable printout of your screening results,

  • A 15-minute recorded video explanation of your results

  • Diet and Lifestyle recommendations that will address the imbalances found in your screening.  

  • A recommended supplemental schedule that will support the body's healing processes and address the root causes found in your screening.

  • An Imprint Remedy customized with homeopathic signatures to address specific areas of imbalance, open up detox pathways, and clear layers of built-up blockages in the meridian system of your body. 

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A Baseline Scan 

This will scan all your organs and glands to identify which ones are weekend or stressed. 

  • Thyroid & Adreanals

  • Liver & Gallbladder 

  • Kidney & Bladder

  • Lymph 

  • Heart, Arteries,  & Veins 

  • Brain, Eyes, Sinus

  • Ovaries & Uterus 

  • Prostate

  • Intestinal Tract, Stomach, and Colon

  • Pineal & Hypothalamus

  • Limbic and Central Nervous System

  • Teeth and Spine

This is unlike any Screening you've ever had. Not only will this cover every organ and gland this will also find any imbalances in Central Nervous System And Lymbic System which you will not find in other Screenings anywhere else.

A Comprehensive Scan

This will uncover the root causes of your health concerns, including 

  • Toxin burdens like heavy metals, parasites, environmental toxins, fungal and mold toxins. 

  • Neurological imbalances

  • Meridian blockages

  • Metabolic insufficiencies

  • Bacterial and Viral Signatures 

  • Emotional/mental stressors that are currently affecting your body.

  • DNA and Chromosomal Damage 

  • Genetic weaknesses

  • Food and environmental sensitivities 


    • This is different from a blood test as a blood test is limited. In Fact, there are specific signatures this type of bio-resonance screening can identify in the human body that a blood test and other health screenings will not uncover.   

    • Plus our Cellular Health Screening is going to give you way more information and for a FRACTION of the cost.

An Informational Scan

This scan will take a deeper look into meridian imbalances of the spine and teeth resonance. This will also uncover other areas of nutritional deficiencies or genetic weaknesses that are contributing to your specific health concerns

  • Nutritional deficiencies such as vitamins, minerals, coenzymes, digestive enzymes,  amino acids fatty acids

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Specific teeth and spine meridian blockages


A customized Imprint Remedy

This Imprint Remedy will bring the body into alignment. These imprints will not only help alleviate your symptoms but also guide the body to activate its health through detoxification and elimination of harmful substances. Your Imprint will help your body return to Homeostasis by boosting your immune system and targeting specific health concerns.

  • Customized to your screening results - imprints will not only help alleviate your symptoms but also guide the body to activate its healing processes, so you can start feeling the difference within days.

  • Works in sync with your meridian system to target specific stressed and weakened organs to bring them into balance

  • 100% Natural and Completely Safe Therapeutic based on the science of homeopathy, designed to assist the whole person, both physically and psychologically, without toxic side effects.

A Customized Supplement Schedule

This is a 30-day dietary and supplemental plan that is designed to address the root causes affecting your body. This plan is specific to what your screening results showed and will help aid in harmonizing your body to heal itself through specific supplementation.

  • A strategic nutritional implementation that will assist your body's healing abilities

  • Detailed supplement schedule so you know what to take when to take it and how long

    • Ok, I hear you saying "I don't want to take any more supplements." And I get it, you've already tried supplements in the past that haven't worked for you. But this is different because unlike before you're going to be taking what your body actually needs based on your screening results. 

A Video Review Of Your Screening Results

A video explanation of your results, so you have a complete understanding of your health status

Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations

Our holistic approach is designed to address the underlying issues causing your symptoms

A 15-minute Q&A call with your Holistic Practitioner

Will allow you to ask any questions regarding your screening results so you will have confidence in the next steps in your holistic journey.


With this Screening, you will get a clear understanding of what is causing your declining health and what actionable steps you need to take to address it...

What's Included

The Process

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Step 1. 

Click the "get started" button, fill out your information and in just a few minutes an email will hit your inbox with what to do next


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Step 2. 

In just a short time from today you will have gained new peice of mind with a better understanding of your body and the 1,2 steps to taking back control of your health.

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Step 3.

30 days from now you will experience a new level of health that will power you through your day.  For the first time in a long time you will have the energy to enjoy the time with your loved ones. Instead of you trying to keep up with them, they will be trying to keep up with you!

Client Testimonials

Whats the cost of all this?

Sure You COULD spend hours and money going from doctor to doctor and try to get some answers from them..

But here's why that won't work. You see, doctors and all their medical training only get around 6 hours of nutritional education. SO.. that would be like calling a plumber to fix your electric problem..


You could also try Google and spend countless hours researching and watching YouTube videos about what causes your symptoms....

But the problem with that is this.. There are MANY possible root causes that are causing YOUR Symptoms.  So this route will lead you down an endless rabbit trail and never end up finding relief because you're not tackling THE ROOT CAUSE. This will COST YOU time and mental energy trying to figure it out on your own.


You could also try the NEXT BEST supplement and that NEXT BEST diet as advertised..

But the last one you tried didn't work for you. And that's because we are all metabolically different and have different nutritional needs. And what worked for your friend doesn't mean it's going to work for you. And unfortunately, there IS NO magic pill.


So that supplement you heard advertised on the radio, again might help alleviate some symptoms but eventually, those symptoms come back and you are back at square one. This is going to COST YOU because failure after failure will rob you of your hope, and your money.

The Investment

  • A Baseline Screening that will cover all your organs and glands. - This alone will cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars at a doctor's office.
  • A Comprehensive Screening will identify the root causes of specific areas of the body that are out of balance. - This is not available anywhere else!

  • An Informational Scan will uncover nutritional deficiencies, toxin burdens and other imbalances affecting your body. - Some of these are often missed or not covered in any other type of testing!

  • 1 Imprint Remedy - This will address new areas of healing as your body is processing through layers of the buildup of stored toxins and stressors through the years.

  • A 30-day Customized Supplemental Plan that will infuse your body with the nutrients it is lacking and support specific stressed and weakened areas.

  • A Video Review of Your Screening Results - so you have a complete understanding of your health status.

  • Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations - Our holistic approach addresses the underlying issues causing our symptoms.

  • A 15-minute Q&A call with your Holistic Practitioner will allow you to ask any questions regarding your screening results so you will have confidence in the next steps in your holistic journey.

When you add all this up it's a value of $7,579

Our Price Only $1,199

Limited Time Offer

Only $699

or 8 weekly installments of  $99.90

Happiness Guaranteed

Oh, and if you’re not happy, I’m not happy --  if within 30 days, you decide you're not satisfied with your screening results or if you give your protocols a whirl, and realize it’s not for you, just reach out to me and I will be happy to refund you! Click here to read the full policy.

You're a perfect match for a Cellular Health Screening if,

  • You love "Dr. Google" … but you're feeling semi-overwhelmed because you're being bombarded with conflicting information about what to do for your symptoms. You want someone to sit down with you and tell you exactly what is going on with your body and what to do about it.

  • You've taken your share of supplements but want to know exactly which ones your body needs so you don't continue wasting money on products that aren't going to get you results.

  • You just *know* there’s an answer out there for the way you are feeling and the doctor's response to your symptoms with "everything is fine your just getting old" is not going to do it for you. You are ready to get to the root cause so you can feel normal again.

  • You refuse to get on medication and hate that, this is the only solution your doctor gives you. You want to do things naturally and believe your body is capable of healing itself when you give it what it needs.

Who is this Screening  NOT for?

This screening can benefit most people because education is power, however, I will say this.. people that don't benefit from this are:

  • The ones being dragged in by their family members and don't want help.

  • They don't want to be told what is wrong with them nor do they want to invest in their health by making lifestyle changes.

  • They just want to take the medications that the doctor gave them and when another symptom appears they will just take a medication for that one too.

Here's what others have asked before signing up for a Cellular Health Screening.


I don't live in the area, do I have to come into your office to get a screening done?

I work with clients from all over the U.S. so all I need is a hair/nail or saliva sample to run your screening.

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How is a cellular health screening different from a blood test?

A blood scan will only tell you what's going on, on a chemical level. A Cellular Health screening is scanning your entire body on an energetic level. Not only will you get way more information than a full blood panel, but this scan is able to tell you what the root cause to specific health concerns is. 

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Are the results accurate?

There has been studies to show over 97% accuracy of this screening

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Do you take insurance?

Right now we only take FSA & HSA cards.

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Will I need a follow up screening after my first one?

That depends on your goals. Most people I work with are able to achieve the results they are looking for within the 90-day time frame of working together and feel confident to continue on their own without a follow up. Those that do want follow-ups based on their goals will get re-scanned any where from 1-3x a year and I do offer packages if that is what the client wants.

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Are supplements a part of the cellular health screening or is that a separate purchase?

Supplements are not a part of the price of the screening. Most clients will spend anywhere from $50- $150  on their supplement regimen monthly.

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Do I need to purchase supplements from you or can I use my own?

I do not sell supplements, however, I will recommence supplements that I am familiar with particularly the ones sold inside of your local health food store. I do not recommend buying them online because of quality but that is totally up to you. If you are currently already taking a product that will work for your protocol then I will incorporate that into your protocols. 

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I'm on medication, will any of your supplement protocols interfere with that?

Each person's supplement protocol is different. If there are interactions with a specific supplement then we will not recommend that specific product. Ultimately it is up to your doctor to inform you of any interactions

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What if i'm not happy with my results? Do you offer refunds?

Yes, see the happiness guarantee policy​

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At this point, it comes down to this
What is your health worth to you?

You have tried to find the right supplements and diet but have yet to be successful.


You are ready for a clear understanding of what's going on with your body and what natural things to do about your chronic pain, your low energy, and your weight THAT ACTUALLY works!

In just a short time you can have answers to your low energy, daily pain, and stubborn weight, so now you can focus on spending your time doing the things you love to do like enjoying your family and growing your business, and less time watching other people enjoy theirs wishing that was you.

Save yourself the time and money of going at it blind. If you don't know what is causing your symptoms, then you won't be able to fix it. You will only continue masking symptoms like a band-aide.

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