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Cellular Health Screenings


What Is A Cellular Health Screening?
And How Does It Work?

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Cellular Health Screening
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A Cellular Health Screening uses Bio-Resonance technology. The technique is understood, accepted, and widely used in the most progressive institutions throughout the world and  scientifically proven through Quantum Physics

A Cellular Health Screening will scan every cell of your body to identify the imbalances so you can address them naturally and holistically.


The technology measures the degree of electrical resistance of the acupuncture points.

These measurements indicate balances or imbalances in the body's various organs, glands, and systemsIt also indicates which nutritional or homeopathic remedy,

and the exact potency, that will bring about an energy balance.


NO side effects! Non-invasive! No time-consuming appointments!

Our Clients Say

Shawnee Testimonial FINISHED 091023
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Have a clear understanding of where your health is now and what direction to take that will bring your body back into optimal health




    Reduce synthetic medication

  • Lose stubborn weight

  • Increased energy

  • Reduce pain 

  • Improve mobility

  • Uplifted mood and attitude

  • Gain mental clarity and cognition

  • Prevent future disease

  • Improved heartburn, and IBS

  • Sleep better and feel refreshed in the morning

  • Restore Hormonal Balance

  • and much more...

Screening Options




Do I need to make an appointment to get a screening done?

No, I only need a hair or nail sample to run your screening. Simply purchase your Screening and you will get an email with what to do next. I work with clients from all over the U.S. so all I need is a hair/nail or saliva sample to run your screening.

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How is a cellular health screening different from a blood test?

A blood scan will only tell you what's going on, on a chemical level. A Cellular Health screening is scanning your entire body on an energetic level. Not only will you get way more information than a full blood panel, but this scan is able to tell you what the root cause to specific health concerns is. 

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Are the results accurate?

There has been studies to show over 97% accuracy of this screening

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Do you take insurance?

Right now we only take FSA & HSA cards.

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Will I need a follow up screening after my first one?

That depends on your goals. Most people I work with are able to achieve the results they are looking for within the 90-day time frame of working together and feel confident to continue on their own without a follow up. Those that do want follow-ups based on their goals will get re-scanned any where from 1-3x a year and I do offer packages if that is what the client wants.

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Are supplements a part of the cellular health screening or is that a separate purchase?

Supplements are not a part of the price of the screening. Most clients will spend anywhere from $50- $150  on their supplement regimen monthly.

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Do I need to purchase supplements from you or can I use my own?

I do not sell supplements, however, I will recommence supplements that I am familiar with particularly the ones sold inside of your local health food store. I do not recommend buying them online because of quality but that is totally up to you. If you are currently already taking a product that will work for your protocol then I will incorporate that into your protocols. 

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I'm on medication, will any of your supplement protocols interfere with that?

Each person's supplement protocol is different. If there are interactions with a specific supplement then we will not recommend that specific product. Ultimately it is up to your doctor to inform you of any interactions

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What if i'm not happy with my results? Do you offer refunds?

Yes, see the happiness guarantee policy​

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What is the cost of your screenings?

You will find the price of the screening under the descriptions, just click "view more" and you will be provided with a description of the scan along with the price.

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Talking on the Phone

Not sure what Screening option is best for you?

Schedule a Consultation

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